Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Married to a Techie

When we were dating and first married, Josiah had one of these. It's a PDA--a Visor Edge by Handspring. One time we were horseback riding on a college resident assistant retreat, and he pulled it out just so he could say he'd even used technology on a horse.

He called it his memory or brain or something (but really that's me). The part that used to really bug me was when he pulled it out on Sunday morning in church to read the Bible on it. I think it mostly bugged me because I worried what others might think--because to me it looked like he was working or playing while he should have been paying attention.

A few days ago at church, as I sat in the sound room with Josiah, both he and another lady next to me pulled out their blackberry and iphone, respectively, and looked up the appropriate passage. I giggled a little, because I suppose this is becoming normal--or maybe I'm just used to it because I'm married to a techie.

1 comment: said...

I've felt exactly the same when Dad brings out his phone. "What will these people at our new church think!?" It seems so rude! Actually it has surprised me how many people know exactly what he's doing. I appreciate that you shared this - glad to know it's getting "normal"!