Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

It’s Mother’s Day 2021. I wondered a lot this week if anything I’ve done is deserving of mother’s day type festivities. Are my kids glad I’m their Mom? Recently my 8 year old told me that maybe she doesn’t want to be a mom after all. She said I made it look hard. I told her that having a toddler is hard, but it’s also wonderful, and that it gets easier. Having a toddler and a puppy is hard. It really made me think about the image I’m portraying, however warranted. This last year or two has been anything but easy. She’s really seen a lot more grit and dirt under the fingernails type of life as we had an unexpected pregnancy, and moved our family cross country to be with my Dad before he passed away in November. Then there was the health crisis of my oldest child. And the self inflicted joy and work of our first fur baby. I’ve tried hard to let her know that my stress is not because I’m her mom. I love being her mom. I hope she’s getting the message. I hope the other kids are getting it, too.

Despite my concerns, I awoke this morning to the Mother’s Day every mom wants. Breakfast. Coffee. Sweet, heartfelt presents. (That I directed their Dad to take them to Dollar Tree to get at 8pm last night, but who’s keeping track?) They know me well. Candles, Reese's cups, a homemade lego sign, a puzzle and a cookbook. It’s a delightful looking cookbook that I can’t wait to dive into.

Lately I’ve been in a meal planning rut. I’ve been worn out. Simultaneously I’ve seen my cooking skills improve. I know my way around the kitchen and I am loving that feeling. One of my many writing ideas has been the romantic one presented in Julie and Julia--to blog through a cookbook. How would it feel to try each recipe and come back here to make a report? Would I finally try the recipes with the hard to find ingredients? (Practically speaking, probably not.) The ones I skip over because they look weird? (Maybe, because this is what it's all about.) How about you--has this idea ever inspired you? How do you think you’d respond to the challenge? 

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